All Vintage Neon East Main Street Mesa Logs

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Groundspeak Regular Member TravelingDJC played Vintage Neon East Main Street Mesa on 5/5/2018

Rating: 4 stars

Neon lights and some plants are missing but great history. TFTC.


Groundspeak Premium Member pilotincommand played Vintage Neon East Main Street Mesa on 4/3/2018

Rating: 4 stars

Trough geocaching I discovered Wherigo. It got my interest and today was the first time I've tried it out. With this one :D. Only 1 neon sign was out of date, but everything else was still fine. Nice to know all the history of the motels :) !! Will not be the last one I did :D thanks!!


Groundspeak Premium Member makeme played Vintage Neon East Main Street Mesa on 3/10/2017

Rating: 5 stars

We are here in the Mesa area for a few days and wanted to do these Vintage Neon wherigo's. Everything worked fine and even found the final.


Groundspeak Premium Member DoctorWho64 played Vintage Neon East Main Street Mesa on 10/11/2015

Rating: 5 stars

Worked fine on my Garmin Oregon 550.

Had a lot of fun doing this cartridge.
Maybe I am a secret Neon Sign fan - I like these old signs even though many were before my time and certainly not typical in the UK.
Really wonder how many guests these places get these days.
Briefly spoke to the owners of the final motel who were sitting outside enjoying the evening warmth.
It was already dusk and the lady was diving!



Groundspeak Premium Member unimoggers played Vintage Neon East Main Street Mesa on 4/16/2015

Rating: 5 stars

#6499 at 6:10 p.m.: I found your whereigo today and it's in good shape. I thoroughly enjoyed this one, too! Each took me only about 30 minutes.


Groundspeak Regular Member knickle played Vintage Neon East Main Street Mesa on 4/3/2015

Rating: 4 stars

Geohubby (7744) & I were in the area geocaching & decided to do this wherigo. It was really interesting finding out about all the hotels & their histories. Thanks for the fun.


Groundspeak Premium Member Lookin'Good played Vintage Neon East Main Street Mesa on 4/1/2015

Rating: 5 stars

We used our Garmin Oregon and had no problems with the cartridge. Enjoyed the tour of Main St and information on the various stops along the way. We were stuck at one point but only because we weren't reading our gps correctly. Once we realized that, we quickly got the right answer. Nice that all the stops were on the north side of the road. Good experience and have already recommended this to others. Thanks.


Groundspeak Premium Member Mrntz played Vintage Neon East Main Street Mesa on 3/23/2015


Just got done with this Whereigo and glad that everything is working! Moved along our merry way from one location to another! Seems like we have been here before! This is almost like a reverse Whereigo!
Now have 2 east's under our belts! Left some ink and pics for proof plus FTF!
Thanks for
Another Whereigo in the Mesa area plus a smile.


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