All Norway 1814 Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member dahfinn played Norway 1814 on 3/17/2024

Rating: 4 stars



Groundspeak Premium Member Kattherine played Norway 1814 on 8/12/2016

Rating: 4 stars

It was a small history lesson about Norway.
The place looked lost.
It was easy to answer the question, sometimes with
A little help of google.
Finally we did it and got the final coordinates.
The cache was quick found and logged without any muggels.
The cartridge worked quiet well on my iPhone.
It was fun to play this wherigo... Until it starts to rain...



Groundspeak Regular Member Geoluca03 played Norway 1814 on 8/26/2015


Diesen WhereIgo haben wir während unserem Urlaub in Schweden gemacht als wir mal einen Ausflug gemacht haben. Bald konnten wir die nötigen Informationen sammeln und so konnten wir dann unseren ersten Schwedischen WhereIgo machen und uns in das Logbucheintragen.


Groundspeak Premium Member FamvW played Norway 1814 on 8/26/2015

Rating: 4 stars

During our hollidays in Sweden we take a trip to Norway. By the way we use our time to solve this great WhereIgo Cache. Many informations, and a really good programmed cartridge make a nice time.

Thanks al lot for this "adventure".


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