All Carnation/Tolt/Geowoodstock VIII Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member cachenscary played Carnation/Tolt/Geowoodstock VIII on 11/18/2015

Rating: 4 stars

We made the tour from library to final. It was a beautiful day and an informative cache!


Groundspeak Premium Member oesteado played Carnation/Tolt/Geowoodstock VIII on 8/29/2015

Rating: 3 stars

Thanks for the tour of town. I really enjoyed the final location, where I lingered awhile soaking up nature's ambiance.


Groundspeak Premium Member R W A played Carnation/Tolt/Geowoodstock VIII on 5/14/2015


My first Wherigo. It was a bit cumbersome (or I was a bit dense). It took a bit to figure out what I could do with the phone app and what I had to do on the computer. Maybe with practice it will come around. All in all, I did have a good time a bit of success.

Thanks for the experience.


Groundspeak Premium Member Iamluke played Carnation/Tolt/Geowoodstock VIII on 2/16/2015

Rating: 4 stars

Had fun doing this one with scooternerd!


Groundspeak Premium Member scooternerd played Carnation/Tolt/Geowoodstock VIII on 2/16/2015

Rating: 4 stars

First wherigo for me. Interesting. Thanks


Groundspeak Premium Member CHCIF2 played Carnation/Tolt/Geowoodstock VIII on 8/10/2014

Rating: 4 stars

Had fun roaming Carnation to complete this WIG. We used an iPhone with no problems. TFTWig


Groundspeak Premium Member FlyinErin played Carnation/Tolt/Geowoodstock VIII on 8/10/2014

Rating: 3 stars

Enjoyed this simple WhereIGo in the town adjacent to ours. We were inspired to do this one as part of the August Challenge and were delighted that it went according to plan. Thanks for the gentle tour of your little town! This one took about 15 minutes if you walk it and is good for kids (easy). Thanks!


Groundspeak Premium Member Wiildrose played Carnation/Tolt/Geowoodstock VIII on 8/22/2012

Rating: 4 stars

Had fun touring the town. Well done!


Groundspeak Premium Member Mr Walleye played Carnation/Tolt/Geowoodstock VIII on 7/11/2012

Rating: 4 stars

Nice work on the cartridge and showing me around this area.
I really did have a cold beer to as it was a little warm out tonight.


Groundspeak Premium Member quigquay played Carnation/Tolt/Geowoodstock VIII on 6/24/2012

Rating: 4 stars

This was a fun jaunt and got us out of the car to wander around a town that I've only ever driven through previously. I was a little frustrated at the end of the program that there was no way to go back to the final coords (I knew we should have written them down!), but as it turns out they weren't needed. At the cache I got it set in my mind that it was near the water and so I searched fruitlessly there, until I decided to trust the distance and there was the cache nicely secured to a tree. Thanks for the big fun today!


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