All A walk in Stock Ranch Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member ecrane played A walk in Stock Ranch on 6/15/2016

Rating: 5 stars

Well done!
I enjoyed the thought that went into this one, as well as the fine execution. There was one question that hung me up for a while, as the sign had an "exercise" spelled differently than the cartridge wanted, but with enough Trial and Error, I got it eventually. Nice job!


Groundspeak Premium Member Team Pluto played A walk in Stock Ranch on 3/8/2016

Rating: 5 stars

Perfect late winter weather for a walk around Stock Ranch Nature Preserve. I saw some turkeys and the wildflowers were just beginning to bloom. I even saw some nice mushrooms in the shadows!


Groundspeak Premium Member RowanKP played A walk in Stock Ranch on 9/12/2015

Rating: 5 stars

The hot weather has finally ended, so I decided to check out this whereIGo this afternoon. Great hike around the area...all paved paths...I saw some turkeys near GZ and there was the scent of a skunk in the air.


Groundspeak Premium Member Team Bardini played A walk in Stock Ranch on 5/11/2015

Rating: 4 stars

Terri headed out today to get some gas and grab a cache. We got to the gas station and realized we didn't have our card so it was cache only. We enjoyed the walk around the preserve and the cartridge functioned without incident. We spotted the final, signed the log and returned as found.



Groundspeak Premium Member bon scott played A walk in Stock Ranch on 4/23/2015

Rating: 5 stars

A fun Wherigo that's almost entirely on paved paths. It took about 40 minutes. It'll take you through a nice preserve and to several interpretive signs. Highly recommended!


Groundspeak Premium Member soft298 played A walk in Stock Ranch on 4/22/2015

Rating: 5 stars

What a nice walk through Stock Ranch. Found the gem, log it and return as found. Thank for the WherIGo. TFTH TFTC.


Groundspeak Premium Member HockeyHiker19 played A walk in Stock Ranch on 4/18/2015


Papa EGTH and I played this nice cartridge on a warm afternoon. We'd been to part of the area recently for some other caches. It was nice to see the gardens in full bloom, though they seriously need some weeding - the vetch is climbing over a lot of the other plants. We saved the cartridge after each zone and had no issues with it, other than having to count the bolts! What? Thank goodness we got it right. The cache was spotted by Papa EGTH just as some local Muggles were walking by. They were too focused on other things, so we signed the log and replaced it as found. Thanks for this Wherigo!


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