All Chislehurst Constitutional Logs
Orti_ played Chislehurst Constitutional on 7/25/2017
This was the fifth WherIGo we tackled on this trip to Chislehurst. Up to now the one in the park ist still my favorite. Too many people everywhere, but we managed to pick up the cache container and sign the log witout being overlooked by muggles. TFTC
2oldpeoples played Chislehurst Constitutional on 10/18/2015
Our first Wherigo thanks to SkiCycle giving us help setting it up at the last Selbac meet. We enjoyed the process of answering questions then taking us to different points. Will definitely be doing some others.
unowho67 played Chislehurst Constitutional on 5/3/2014
We really enjoy wherigo caches so simply had to make the smallish detour to Chisslehurst today to complete these 2 new wherigos. We enjoyed a nice walk around the area, passed some lovely churches on our way round. The cartridge worked perfectly and we were soon at GZ.
Many thanks for all your hard work in setting up this wherigo for us to enjoy today
Delta68 played Chislehurst Constitutional on 5/3/2014
Really great to be back in Chislehurst as it's such a lovely place. All stages triggered perfectly apart from Stage 2 which took quite a bit of walking around with the iPhone for Mrs D but worked fine on the Samsung for Mr D. A very pleasant walk around Chislehurst and interesting to see the mortuary room on the way round. We completed this one in a little under 45 mins....... We wondered if the cute dog in the antique shop often sits in the window watching the world go by.