All Underdog! Logs
grateful cacher played Underdog! on 5/13/2012
Very nicely crafted Wherigo cartridge. This is my 19th Wherigo, and I played it using both my Garmin Oregon 550t and iPhone 4s. Both worked flawlessly, and the Oregon didn't crash once (but then I saved it after leaving every zone). Great walking experience in this nice park, my first Wherigo in Illinois. Well done.
DinaWorks played Underdog! on 11/6/2010
On a beautiful autumn day, Shazam Man, Wheels00, Wheelz01 and I set out to help Underdog defeat Simon Bar Sinister. We had a great time following the story. Unfortunately, the PiGo iPhone application did not run the cartridge properly after about the midway point, so it's a good thing I was with fellow cachers with "real" GPSrs so we could complete our task. Thanks, Mr. Charlie, for a great adventure and for my introduction to Nippersink.
NatalieD! played Underdog! on 10/30/2010
this was my first wherigo, and i was VERY impressed! i loved it! i'm sure a lot of thought and preparation went into putting this together. thankfully scottberks and i were able to help underdog complete his mission and save the day! ;) thanks for this awesome cache! TNLN/SL
Lindave played Underdog! on 5/10/2010
This is one nifty cache, running here and there to help Underdog! Unfortunately I got to do this one twice or almost. I had completed the first few tasks and was on my way to rescue Polly when my OR 300 locked up and then shut down. Doggone, every thing was gone and I had to start over. This time I saved each step as it was completed and finally after saving the planet I grabbed the final. I really enjoyed the WIG and I'm always glad to come back to this nice park. Thanks Mr. Charlie, Lindave
Corp Of Discovery played Underdog! on 11/22/2009
First stop of the day with moodygrrl & badlands. We managed to get all the way to the end and find the cache. There was one part that we weren't sure about but we made contingencies to enable us to continue no matter the outcome. I've done a few WIGs now and they've been a mixed lot. This was definitely one of the better ones.
2CraziesMSN played Underdog! on 9/5/2009
Had a great time saving the world with wrongway Junebug, Lions Fan and 08RockLady. We loved everything about it.
Lions Fan played Underdog! on 9/5/2009
Out on a road trip with 08rocklady, Marble Guy and Wrongway Junebug. An excellent job blending the story with the park's features. This gives the player a good look at wherigo's capabilities. Thanks for a great cache.
Wrongway Junebug played Underdog! on 9/5/2009
That was a Great Where I Go Cache. I myself can't walk to much on uneven paths, so this was so perfect for me. Thanks so much, and great job on the time you spent to put it together.