All Bruce In Black Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member clrl played Bruce In Black on 3/1/2008

Rating: 4 stars

Did all 5 places and final cache but I can't unlock it.


Groundspeak Regular Member x-ray tech played Bruce In Black on 2/25/2008

Rating: 4 stars

Well, I found it, I think? This was my first WhereIGo Cartridge I've player out in the real world and I must say I enjoyed it. I was a little bit challenging juggling the gps, pocket pc and bike at times but having the gps with its compas function was very helpful.
I rode my bike from home which put me approx 6.5 miles in before reaching the start point. Knew the trail well and was able to navigate it with ease. Ran into the seasonal grazing sheep who were a little annoyed that I would want to walk thru there space but otherwise enjoyed a quiet outing.
Found the zones easily, but had to walk around the second to last zone a bit before being awarded the final cache location. Not enough to complain about, just made me a little nervous that I wouldn't be rewarded for my efforts. Then headed for the reward, the final cache. I wandered around ground zero for a while before finally locating the container]juvpu frrzf gb or ohevrq haqre n cvyr bs qrnq cbvfba bnx oenapurf naq fheebhaqrq ol arj tebjgu.[ Now the reason I say I think I found it is because what I found was labeled with the name of an old cache which has relocated here and contains the log book for the old cache. I signed it as I had when I had found this cache in its previous location and placed it back in its resting place, careful to try to hide it as well as it was before I had found it.
Thanks for the cartridge and thanks for the others you have done as well. I look forward to see how this evolves. ]
ps. my saved gws file shows me not completing the cartridge, thus I could not unlock the cartridge. When should I have saved my game? I located all of the zones should I have done something else?

pps. Upon locating the final cache, and making the grab, a tiger salamander went scurrying away from underneath the cache. Perhaps a hint that I should do the Tammy the Tiger Salamander cartridge next?


Groundspeak Premium Member Touchstone wrote a note for Bruce In Black on 2/18/2008


Slight update to get some events firing correctly and change some of the content.


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