All Bike Trail Wherigo Logs

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Groundspeak Charter Member jimlips played Bike Trail Wherigo on 3/20/2017

Rating: 4 stars

Played this WIG with my dad this morning. The number on phone pole #2 does not work. Must input the number on the photo. Other than that, it was a fun WIG!


Groundspeak Premium Member bon scott played Bike Trail Wherigo on 3/18/2016

Rating: 5 stars

A quick and straightforward Wherigo. Took about 15 minutes beginning to end. Worked great on my Garmin Monterra.


Groundspeak Premium Member soft298 played Bike Trail Wherigo on 3/15/2016

Rating: 5 stars

A fun Wherigo. Found the gem. Sign the log and return as found. Thank for the Wherigo. TFTH TFTC.


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