All Problem komiwojazera Logs
waldstadt played Problem komiwojazera on 12/26/2024
We are visiting this beautiful city for four days for Christmas. We chose various caches beforehand and added them to our list. Where possible, the puzzles have already been solved.
We were able to find this cache easily on site and the logbook has been signed. We apologize for the standard log. Any special features have been added below.
We had a lot of fun with the cartridge. However, we couldn't find the container straight away. When we called the owner for help, we got a response very quickly. Now we've visited the final again and were able to successfully complete the cache thanks to log approval. We're happy to give it a FP on and five stars on
Thank you for this cache and greetings waldstadt.
Krecik40 played Problem komiwojazera on 7/9/2020
Ciekawy spacer po części Wrocławia . mozna było zobaczyć ciekawe miejsca tylko finał trochę rozczarował.
Pozdrowienia z Krakowa
Barciej33 played Problem komiwojazera on 2/13/2017
Kolejna ciekawa skrytka we Wrocławiu zdobyta. To dobrze, że powstaje coraz więcej scenariuszy WIGO - w naszym mieście jest ich bardzo mało. Zadanie zaliczałem pieszo razem z powder-phunem i Kiwi7Pl. Nasz czas to godzina i 18 minut, a przebyta odległość to 1696 metrów. Ze znalezieniem skrytki finałowej nie mieliśmy problemu. Dzięki za kolejny scenariusz WhereIGo!