All Here's Your Sign....... Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member coachstahly played Here's Your Sign....... on 6/20/2015

Rating: 4 stars

I played this on my Samsung S5 using the Whereyougo app and it worked great. I did not receive an unlock code for this one upon completion, but that was the ONLY issue I had with this cartridge.


Groundspeak Premium Member cachewhisperers played Here's Your Sign....... on 7/4/2014


Very humid out today but the heat is low. Had a nice hike and found some caches along the way. Even saw some baby boars on the trail. Thanks D&B for the wherigo


Groundspeak Premium Member RamenNoodles played Here's Your Sign....... on 5/26/2014

Rating: 4 stars

We had completed this Wherigo about a year ago with a borrowed device. I recently found out I could play them on my old Tilt 2 phone. It took a little while to configure the phone, but we were ale to complete the Wherigo. I noticed that it is best to save your cartridge as you go between stages otherwise you may have to start at the beginning. The Tilt locked up once when I passed the location for stage 3, so we had to start over.
It was a very hot day today, but it is always nice to visit this park and we actually were able to play disc golf between the last stage and the final. We left a few toys and the cache is fine. We recovered it well. We didn't sign the log again since this is the second time we had done this wheigo. Thanks Dale and Barb for the fun.


Groundspeak Premium Member 2spacecadets played Here's Your Sign....... on 1/23/2014

Rating: 4 stars

That was a nice walk on a cool day. Thanks.


Groundspeak Regular Member MIRon60 played Here's Your Sign....... on 2/16/2013

Rating: 4 stars

Did with wife, Jerann and Allhat at event here. Enjoyed the experience.


Groundspeak Premium Member wandering willy suds wrote a note for Here's Your Sign....... on 2/25/2012

Rating: 2 stars

Loon Lady and I were real keen to do a Wherigo. Unfortunately it was not to be. We got to GZ, ready to start, then the screen went blank. Restarted my
trusty instrument, refound the geo-cahes page and jumped right back into it. Again the screen went blank. By this time I just about ready to give up. CO says no, I must try again.
Tried again, with the same results. By the fourth time I was ready to throw the GPS away. Never did get it to work properly. Thanks for setting up the Wherigo anyway.


Groundspeak Premium Member Team Mollymap played Here's Your Sign....... on 5/8/2011

Rating: 5 stars

Our first wherigo! We did it with our Oregon 450T and everything worked out very well. We were surprised how easy playing a wherigo was. Thank you!


Groundspeak Premium Member Plunder Cats played Here's Your Sign....... on 4/23/2011

Rating: 5 stars

This was our first whereigo and we found it very fun!! We chose this as our #600 Milestone cache, and this was also Marabunta's first chache!! We had an excellent time, for some reason when trying to play using our garmin oregon it would shut itself off when I tried to select the next stage at the very beginning. I had also loaded it on my Android phone using the "Where you go" app. We used that to play the entire whereigo. I think I may not have let the garrmin settle and load everything it needed in order to play the game.

Thanks for placing this whereigo here we have wanted to come by this park, but haven't had a real need to stop until now.


Groundspeak Premium Member KJKlock played Here's Your Sign....... on 3/7/2011

Rating: 4 stars

I just flew in today for the Space Shuttle landing which will occur in the next few days. I had just a little bit of time to kill before having to go pick up another Soldier at the airport, so I decided to do this quick Wherigo. The cartridge worked perfectly on my Garmin Colorado 400t. I was able to drive between the first few stages and then had a pleasant walk in the park for the last half of the cartridge. This was our 25th Wherigo cache completion.

Thanks for writing and publishing this cartridge; I know first-hand how complex even a simple cartridge like this one can be to create.



Groundspeak Premium Member TAPnDi played Here's Your Sign....... on 11/26/2010

Rating: 4 stars

Accomplished this Cartridge with Grumpy & His Better Half.
Had alot of fun with the WherIGo.


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