All 10.000 Euros ENGLISH Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member gost@ played 10.000 Euros ENGLISH on 1/2/2025

Rating: 5 stars

Nice idea. Took a few tries. :D Thanks!


Groundspeak Premium Member graphix played 10.000 Euros ENGLISH on 11/9/2019

Rating: 5 stars

I played this Wherigo before departure to Barcelona and put all the bets on roulette. Sometimes even, sometimes odd and also black and red ;) In about 20 minutes I had 16,000 euros, I returned the debt to the bank and today I went for a sweet reward - a nicely hidden cache. Thanks for the very funny game, undoubtedly a favourite!


Groundspeak Regular Member Sarkafarka007 played 10.000 Euros ENGLISH on 11/5/2019

Rating: 4 stars

Nalezeno na výletě spolu s Karlosíky .... Fotbal ... .... Díky za WigoCache. Odehráno na Samsung Galaxy S8 bez problému.


Groundspeak Regular Member Karlosíci played 10.000 Euros ENGLISH on 11/5/2019

Rating: 4 stars

Se SarkaFarka007 (SF007) cestou městem. Díky.
Odehráno a nalezeno.
Díky za pohodové Wigo.
Bez problémů odehráno na Samsungu A7.


Groundspeak Regular Member michajlpetrof played 10.000 Euros ENGLISH on 8/12/2019

Rating: 5 stars

It took my some time to win 10.000EURO, but I like black Jack so it was fun :-D thanks a lot for this play anywhere Wherigo! Super cool!


Groundspeak Premium Member Vacerman played 10.000 Euros ENGLISH on 5/5/2019

Rating: 5 stars

Just another nice game! I played it at home and I realised I could not be a gambler. My first strategies were not very clever. Finally, I changed the strategy and won enough money to buy the final coordinates. Thanks to the spoiler picture I found the cache today really easily. TNLN. Greetings from the Czech Republic and thanks for this game!


Groundspeak Premium Member Doug.G played 10.000 Euros ENGLISH on 10/9/2018

Rating: 5 stars

I played Roulette and Black Jack about 20 times. For 19 times I lost all my money on the final game... BUT then I finally managed to reach €10,000...!!! Box found on an evening stroll along Av.Diagonal 👍


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