All Train to McBaine Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member Phred312 wrote a note for Train to McBaine on 9/3/2021


I am visiting the grandkids for a long weekend again. I got lucky and my unit saved the game from back in April so all I had to do was find the cache this trip. The final was located right where I anticipated. I was walking today and it was threatening rain and trying to rain for the duration of my walk. The caching gods were with me as I found the cache and didn't get wet. While the find is nice the best part was the family time back in April. Took pictures. Left signature. Thank you. Find 7897


Groundspeak Premium Member Phred312 played Train to McBaine on 4/18/2021

Rating: 4 stars

I am visiting the grandkids for a long weekend. I started planning this outing about 4 weeks ago. Three of the four grandkids along with daddy made the trip. We started in Rocheport. We had a leisurely ride to McBaine. My phone said we rode about 9.5 miles and our ride time was a little over an hour. The whole trip was about 2.5 hours taking time to stop and explore the sights. I didn't get to go back for the cache since the kids didn't want to ride the extra distance. Hopefully the game will save the location for another trip.


Groundspeak Premium Member Firemnky played Train to McBaine on 4/25/2020

Rating: 4 stars

A looong walk on this one. Probably should've brought the bikes but it was a nice walk. Amazed to see the the code to unlock the cartridge worked as the few codes we've attempted in the past never did. Also surprised there was no final coordinates to the final and hope the saved progress still works when we return for the final.


Groundspeak Premium Member dogda played Train to McBaine on 1/4/2019

Rating: 5 stars

Found it. Very nice.


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