All I Love Paris Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member Sarah_Nico played I Love Paris on 8/30/2024

Rating: 5 stars

Leia, die Eule, ist immer noch in Paris - heute ist ihr dritter Tag hier. Leider machte das Wetter eine Kehrtwende und es hat angefangen zu regnen. Naja, für eine kleine Caching-Runde ist die kleine Schneeeule immer zu haben und so holte sie sich diesen Cache.
Gestern hat sie sich fünf (wahrscheinlich sogar mehr als fünf...) tolle Attraktionen in Paris angesehen und konnte so diesen Wherigo abschließen. Heute war eben dieses Final dran - an einem schönen, muggelfreien Platz in Paris. Leia sagt vielen Dank fürs Zeigen und lässt noch ein Herzchen da! 🦉


Leia, la chouette, est toujours à Paris - c'est son troisième jour ici. Malheureusement, le temps a fait volte-face et il s'est mis à pleuvoir. Eh bien, la petite chouette des neiges est toujours prête pour un petit caching et c'est ainsi qu'elle est allée chercher cette cache.
Hier, elle a visité cinq (probablement même plus de cinq...) super attractions à Paris et a ainsi pu terminer ce Wherigo. Aujourd'hui, c'était au tour de cette finale - dans un bel endroit de Paris, sans muggle. Leia vous remercie de l'avoir montré et vous laisse un autre petit cœur ! 🦉


Groundspeak Premium Member bor76 played I Love Paris on 3/21/2023

Rating: 4 stars

nice wigo, more on


Groundspeak Premium Member Annabe11a played I Love Paris on 2/20/2023

Rating: 5 stars

Definitely an easy Wherigo when visiting Paris as you come along most of the touristic places anyway.
Enjoyed this cartridge a lot!
Merci beaucoup


Groundspeak Premium Member Hughling played I Love Paris on 2/18/2019

Rating: 3 stars

Thank you for the fun.


Groundspeak Premium Member aB5dEglYeS5P played I Love Paris on 11/4/2018

Rating: 4 stars

Full log on gc,com


Groundspeak Premium Member langlurch played I Love Paris on 9/26/2018

Rating: 5 stars

Well - obviously I walked around an area with a lot of sightseeings. So I filled my cartridge quite fast. Another good thing about this - the walk for the final hidings place was short as well.
Despite of the already filled cartrige, I had a look for some additional spots as well.
Merci pour la cache.


Groundspeak Premium Member cagifu played I Love Paris on 9/17/2018

Rating: 5 stars

Nice wandering in Paris.



Groundspeak Premium Member peta3 played I Love Paris on 8/6/2018


Nice wigo. Thanks


Groundspeak Premium Member MikiHamza played I Love Paris on 12/1/2017

Rating: 4 stars

Thanks for the nice and quite easy wherigo. I played it on Oregon 300 without any problems except with weak batteries. We were in Paris for two days as a tourist group and we were visiting the most famous places. We had 5 needed points during several hours and in the afternoon of the first day we could log into the cache.
Greetings from Czechia!


Groundspeak Premium Member pewha played I Love Paris on 12/1/2017


#5408 ~17:04 Together with friends MikiHamza, Alex32 and washa4. The first weekend of Advent in Paris brought us not only plenty of Christmas sightseeing but also lots of caches. Thanks for the invitation.


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