All Chamna Wherigo Bonus Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member DeadSailor played Chamna Wherigo Bonus on 3/11/2013

Rating: 3 stars

DL'd this cartridge on an iphone4. Had done a couple Wherigo's before but both were very different than this one! So this was a bit of a challenge at first but we got the hang of it fairly quick. Found 2/3-Shutle64's wherigo Cache first a few days ago then came back today to find the other 2. Found Debiko's Wherigo Cache relatively quick then made our way to DownShifter's Wherigo Cache. We gave it a good search but came up empty handed. After getting home and doing a bit of research it seems that DownShifter's Wherigo Cache is Archived and no longer available to be found...kinda wish we would have known that before hiking all the way out there...although it was a nice hike...we were limited on time and could have been searching for other caches. Maybe this Cartridge needs an update? Anyway, thanks for the ones we did find and for bringing us here!


Groundspeak Premium Member cudakayak played Chamna Wherigo Bonus on 12/9/2012


My 2nd Wherigo and now I know how to spell it. TFTC


Groundspeak Premium Member kennelbarb played Chamna Wherigo Bonus on 5/22/2012


This multi wherigo was confusing to me. I found and signed this log but didn't find anything that helped with the other two. I got a 'HERE' with this one and the others but never got an unlock code. Enjoyed the hunt and the area anyhow


Groundspeak Premium Member globaltreckers wrote a note for Chamna Wherigo Bonus on 1/17/2012


Can't figure out why the pocket pc version doesn't work on my android...


Groundspeak Premium Member Wiildrose played Chamna Wherigo Bonus on 7/10/2011

Rating: 4 stars

I was pretty new to this, and used my Droid to find it. I soon got the hang of it, and had a great tour of the area. Thanx!


Groundspeak Premium Member GeoBraves played Chamna Wherigo Bonus on 9/16/2010


We enjoyed playing your Wherigo. We did not get a code to unlock like others we have played, but enjoyed it anyway. Signed the log.


Groundspeak Premium Member shutle64 wrote a note for Chamna Wherigo Bonus on 4/24/2010


1.6 Released -- Removed notebook and archived caches.


Groundspeak Premium Member WR7X played Chamna Wherigo Bonus on 1/31/2010


First time using the Wherigo function on my Colorado. Worked great. Looking forward to doing more of these.


Groundspeak Premium Member tumbleweed2 played Chamna Wherigo Bonus on 2/27/2009

Rating: 4 stars

Just did the Triple Wherigo Bonus cache hunt in the Chamna Preserve. Had a great time, sharing my caching buddies' units today. Will have to come back to try my new Nuvi and see how it works with it. These, and the Caveman one are my first attempts at Wherigo caches. Thanks for the fun.


Groundspeak Premium Member Debiko played Chamna Wherigo Bonus on 4/24/2008

Rating: 5 stars

Had a great time with Shutle64 and DownShifter as we hiked the trails of the preserve and placed the caches of this Wherigo cache into place. Thanks to Shutle64 for planning the cache and helping us to understand more about this new and fun way of enjoying caching. TFTC


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