All Singing Brakeman Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member knm2013 played Singing Brakeman on 2/15/2015

Rating: 5 stars

A first of these for us. Once we figured out how to play we have found a whole new addiction. Awesome experience


Groundspeak Premium Member AKiteFlier played Singing Brakeman on 1/19/2014

Rating: 4 stars

Had a good time with this - most of it worked well. Oregon crashed on me a couple times - the first time I had not yet saved the game so had to repeat a few sites - 2nd time I had just done a save so the restore was easy. Interesting information and a well done WIG. Glad all the stops were in the park and do-able by walking for the most part.


Groundspeak Premium Member hzoi played Singing Brakeman on 3/2/2013

Rating: 4 stars

Had fun with this one. Some of the zones were a little hinckey but I got it to work after restarting my phone. Thanks for the tour!


Groundspeak Premium Member rclizmom played Singing Brakeman on 1/2/2013


Thanks for the great tour, wherigo cartridge and cache. We had a wonderful time walking around the park and the bonus cache at the end was icing on the cake.

Thanks again.


Groundspeak Premium Member Docgeo* played Singing Brakeman on 4/23/2012

Rating: 4 stars

Had fun playing this cartridge, missed a clue the first time around but we got it.


Groundspeak Premium Member The Scorpio played Singing Brakeman on 5/3/2011

Rating: 5 stars

When I originally found this I couldn't log it on here, there was a problem with the Wherigo site. But I guess they finally fixed the problem so I'm logging it now.

I had wanted to do this one for some time. This was a fun one and I can tell a lot of work went into making this Whereigo cartridge. TFTWC


Groundspeak Premium Member $nowman played Singing Brakeman on 8/19/2010

Rating: 4 stars

This was first Wherigo I played and failed to log with Wherigo, therefore logging today. Was fun and very interesting.


Groundspeak Premium Member clayton454 played Singing Brakeman on 11/8/2009


Found this one today with my cachings buds, UGotMel and grammy1940 on our quest to complete the Mississippi One Busy Day Icon Challenge, TFTC, SL


Groundspeak Premium Member FSUDad played Singing Brakeman on 5/28/2009

Rating: 4 stars

Found this cache with Jersey Girl while in the area finding a few other caches. I used a Oregon 400T and it locked up on me several times and actually shut down twice. This is a very busy cartridge with lots of things running at one time which may have caused some of the problems. I have learned to save the game as I go along so it was no problem to restart the game at the point where it shut down. Was able to gather all of the required info as we walked around the area learning about the Singing Brakeman. We had to backtrack once to retrieve some of the required info. Found the final quickly. TFTH.


Groundspeak Premium Member OHail played Singing Brakeman on 2/7/2009

Rating: 5 stars

Took the tour with Searching4Fun and January14. Very interesting. My second Wherigo since I got the Colorado so I learned a lot about Wherigo caches in general, too.

Thanks for all the work you put into this one. Well done.


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